Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Category: Comedy Page 3 of 8

Drabbleclassics 13 – Rangifer Volans (192)

Cover for Drabblecast episode 192, Rangifer Volans, by Bo KaierIn early December, Brad Miro walked into the office of his partner, Dr. John Estes, and said, “I’ve got our next target. It’s perfect. The public is going to love it.”

John closed his eyes. “I haven’t even finished writing the paper about the Mongolian death worm yet”

This Christmas Special episode of Drabblecast starts with Norm’s Lovecraft inspired take on “The Night Before Christmas”. The theme this week is a creepy yet festive take on Christmas. The feature lets us see the career of a successful crypto-zoologist. As we see Dr John Estes just recovering from discovering the Mongolian death worm when his partner wants to catch a flying reindeer. Norm discusses how it’s better not to believe, like in Santa… or the Mayans.

Drabblecast 345 – Cat With Blue Fur Trifecta

Cover for Drabblecast episode 345, Cat With Blue Fur Trifecta, by Bo KaierA collection of stories from the Cat With Blue Fur Writing Contest.








Drabblecast 343 – Captain Confederation

Cover for Drabblecast episode 343, Captain Confederation, by Joe BotschCaptain Confederation was annoyed when he got off the elevator and it showed. It would have been so simple and logical for him to land on the roof of the Superhero Administration Centre, or in the ample grounds surrounding it, but these alternatives were no longer open to him. Last month Transport Canada had proposed a regulation requiring superheroes to take off and land from helipads unless actually fighting crime, and for some inexplicable reason the Department of Superhero Affairs had gone along with it.


Drabblecast B-Sides 54 – Sorry About Your Dog

Cover for Drabblecast B-SIdes episode 54, Sorry ABout Your Dog, by Bo KaierSee, I was comin’ back from a round-up at Deacon’s Bluff – I catch rattlesnakes and milk them for their venom back in my apartment – you’d be surprised how much money there is in that. Anyway, I had a
young diamondback tied up in my gunnysack on the front seat of my pickup – really, it’s a laundry bag with a drawstring and a catch clip – anyway, I was drivin’ by McLaughlin Park on my way home, when damn
if that sucker didn’t just poke his head right out of the sack to look around! I lost control of the truck tryin’ to get him back in, and I swerved across the playground.

Drabblecast 335 – To Whatever

Cover for Drabblecast episode 335, To Whatever, by Mike DominicH.P. Lovecraft Month continues with an originally commissioned story: “To Whatever” by Shaenon Garrity.

To know or not to know is the penultimate question in Lovecraftian horror. What mysteries lie beyond the wall of our understanding? What if we were to commune with whatever lay beyond that wall? Or in that wall?  That is the crux of this week’s story.

Story Excerpt:

To whatever lives in the walls—

Please stop taking my half & half.
Let’s get this out of the way: I know you’re there. Don’t think I’m unaware of the scrabbling sounds, the walls creaking from your bulk, the way my razor in the morning is never exactly where I left it last night. Richard always said it was the building settling—as if a building, however old, could take apples out of the fruit crisper—but he was as wrong about that as he was about a lot of things beyond the scope of this note. And since he moved out I feel you’ve gotten bolder.

Drabbleclassics 5 – Code Brown (29)

Cover for Drabblecast episode 29, Code Brown, by Jonathan Wilson“We cannot destroy it- it’s too valuable” said Klugscheisser
“And yet, it would be dangerous to keep it.  We must hide it in the last place that anyone would ever think of looking for it…”

Drabblecast 332 – Mister Bob

Cover for Drabblecast 332, Mr. Bob, by David Krummenacher“It all began with the chicken in the end of the road,” she said.

“Pardon?” I gestured. “Could you say that again?”

Miss Sanderson reached out and tapped the translation device on the table, then picked it up and fiddled with its settings. She was the ugliest female of her species I’d ever seen– obscenely symmetrical features, pale hair and complexion, long limbs–and yet forever twirling a finger in her hair like she was trying to proposition me.



Drabblecast 331 – Night of the Cooters

Cover for Drabblecast 331, Night of the Cooters, by Raoul IzzardSheriff Lindley was asleep on the toilet in the Pachuco County courthouse when someone started pounding on the door.

“Bert!” the voice yelled as the sheriff jerked awake.

“Gol Dang!” said the lawman. The Waco newspaper slid off his lap onto the floor.




Drabblecast 330 – Trifecta XVII

Cover for Drabblecast episode 330. Trifecta XVIII, by Forrest WarnerFor the Drabblecast’s 28th trifecta anthology, we explore ‘changes of heart.’








Drabblecast 328 – Local Delicacies

Cover for Drabblecast 328, Local Delicacies, by Bo KaierMy boss, Danny, liked to brag that El Corazon was the best Tex-Mex restaurant just off the Vegas Strip. “Because of you, Bescha,” he’d say to me. “You keep the customers happy. You keep me out of trouble.”

I won’t say which part of my job was harder. I kept an eye on the help-wanted ads, in case something better came along.




Drabblecast B-Sides 43 – The Parasite Parade

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides 43, Parasite's Parade, by Bo KaierIf you could shrink tiny, and drop down your own throat
Like the tiniest of captains on the tiniest of boats
I bet you’d be shocked at the things that you saw
In the dark and the damp of your damp and dark maw.

Your body’s a marvel, it’s one of a kind
Which is why countless scary small things live inside!
They can’t live in houses, as most of us do
So they climb inside people– like me and like you!

Do you hear the band playing– that merry old song?
While the horns play the chorus and the crowd sings along?
Down Main Street they march, that gay promenade
Which float is your favorite in the Parasite Parade?

Drabblecast 320 – Half a Conversation, Overheard While Inside An Enormous Sentient Slug

Cover for Drabblecast 320, Half a Conversation, Overheard While Inside An Enormous Sentient Slug, by Skeet ScienskiThank you, Inspector. I’m ready.

Yes, I understand my rights as a resident extraterrestrial. No, that won’t be necessary.

Of course. Ask me anything. I only wish to see justice done.

It grieves me to say so, but I concur. There’s no doubt about who murdered Lord Ash.



Drabblecast 319 – Trifecta XXVII

Cover for Drabblecast 319, Trifecta XXVII, by Mackenzie MartinThe Drabblecast April Fool’s Day episode!

Recorded live: A Drabblecast story slam that took place March 27th 2014 in Baltimore Maryland at the EMP Art Collective.

Drabblecast B-Sides 33 – Free Range

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 33, Free Range, by Haley GrunlohAfter she lost interest in the green eggs—yes, green chicken eggs (taste the same, look dyed, so what’s the point?)—my neighbor Johanna started raising black chickens. Yes, black ones. They’re popular in China for reasons ranging from nutrition to superstition, and she’d gotten three hens and a rooster from a guy in Chinatown—in exchange for the last two green-egg chickens she had.

“Green is good now in China,” he said. “Helps make a man’s pole longer.”

“Right,” she told him. “Don’t need to kill rhinoceros and go to jail for long pole anymore.”

Drabblecast B-Sides 31 – The Black and White Animals Trilogy

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 31, The Black and White Animals Trilogy, by Bo KaierThe complete Black and White Animals Trilogy, uncut. Written by Kendall Marchman, Luke Coddington and Norm Sherman, produced by Norm Sherman. Originally appeared as episodes 11, 22, and 24… Part 1: Secret Weapons, Part 2: Vengeful Hearts  and Part 3: Chromatic Conclusions.

Drabblecast 298 – Flying On My Hatred of My Neighbor’s Dog

Cover for Drabblecast episode 298, Flying On My Hatred of My Neighbor's DogThe week we present to you Flying On My Hatred of My Neighbor’s Dog by Shaenon Garrity.

Have you ever been so exasperated that you could feel the energy rippling off of you? Just how far could the power of that hate carry you? Could it fuel your car? How about a rocket ship?


I know my neighbor’s dog as a bark: a deep, dark, venomous yawp that begins and ends on a snarl. It’s loud, louder than it should be. Earplugs do nothing. It penetrates. Once it starts, it continues, relentlessly, for a period ranging from one to four hours. It can start at any time, day or night, dropping from the veils of morning to where the cricket sings.

Drabblecast B-Sides 28 – TGIF

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 28, TGIF, by Bo KaierTGIF, a covers medley by The Drabblecast’s Norm Sherman

Drabblecast 293 – The Call of the Pancake Factory

Cover for Drabblecast episode 293, The Call of the Pancake Factory, by Bill HalliarThe bar is plenty kitschy: goofy statues made from coconuts everywhere and strings of shell beads hanging from the ceiling. I smile when I see a coconut sporting a pair of mouse ears made from scallop shells.

Tourists from all over the world are sitting around, ordering drinks non-stop because the sun is so hot at this time in Indonesia that you’ll wilt if you go outside and also because the drinks are so watered down. But that’s all right with me. I’m here to blend in, not to get drunk.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 286, Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse, by David Krummenacher

Drabblecast 286 – Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse

Cover for Drabblecast episode 286, Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse, by David KrummenacherFather Leggett stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the three narrow stories of gray brick that was 207 East Charlton Street. Compared to the other edifices on Lafayette Square—the Colonial Dames fountain, the Low house, the Turner mansion, the cathedral of course—this house was decidedly ordinary, a reminder that even Savannah had buildings that did only what they needed to do, and nothing more.
He looked again at the note the secretary at St. John the Baptist had left on his desk. This note read:

Drabblecast B-Sides 22 – The Eyes Have It

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 22, The Eyes Have It, by Greg CravensIt was quite by accident I discovered this incredible invasion of Earth by lifeforms from another planet. As yet, I haven’t done anything about it; I can’t think of anything to do. I wrote to the Government, and they sent back a pamphlet on the repair and maintenance of frame houses. Anyhow, the whole thing is known; I’m not the first to discover it. Maybe it’s even under control…

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