Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

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Drabblecast B-Sides 2 – 2135: The Year Disco Came Back

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides 2, 2135: The Year Disco Came Back, by CRNsurfAnd with a mighty crack the sky opened up! There, sitting on a throne of ivory and omnipotence, was the Lord in all his terrible glory.  And God said:  “Let there be Funk!”

On this episode of the Drabblecast B-Sides podcast, a semi-lucid prophecy of a musically dominated future. Disco, punk, funk, and more are at odds, as maniacal genre fan devotion rules the streets!

Cover for Drabblecast episode 94, Squidges, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 94 – Squidges

Cover for Drabblecast episode 94, Squidges, by Jonathan Wilson“Squidges?” This was a term I hadn’t heard before.  I was used to Maine brother colloquialisms, they had adopted a vocabulary largely unique to themselves, but this went beyond even that…

Norm rewards forum participant Wonko by reading his Drabble about an unwilling exposure to the majesty of nature. Rish Outfield and Big Ankelvitch, narrators of the Dunesteef podcast, assist Norm in telling Thomas Canfield’s story, “Squidges.” In it, an unsuspecting patron of eccentric auto-mechanics learns about the unseen gremlins plaguing cars the world round. Feedback from Frank Key’s surreal sci-fi piece, #90 “Far Far Away,” demonstrates the magnetic qualities of magnetic love monkeys to fans of the Drabblecast.

Cover for Drabblecast 88, The Toys of Peace, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 88 – The Toys of Peace

Cover for Drabblecast 88, The Toys of Peace, by Brent HolmesHarvey retreated to the library and spent some thirty or fourty minutes in wondering whether it would be possible to compile a history, for us in elementary schools, in which there should be no prominent mentions of battles, massacres, murderous intrigues, and violent deaths…

Norm thanks listeners who voted in the recent election, before punishing non-voters by busting out an unexpected freestyle rap explaining the American Electoral College system, entitled “Electoral Homies.” Keeping with the civic governance theme comes a feature story from 19th-Century author “Saki,” the pen name for Hector Hugh Monroe.  In it, the National Council for Peace attempts unsuccessfully to limit and channel the aggressive instincts of playful young boys. Lastly, Norm reviews the overwhelming reader feedback response to Episode #84, “Floating Over Time.”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 86, Half Sneeze Johnny, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 86 – Half-Sneeze Johnny

Cover for Drabblecast episode 86, Half Sneeze Johnny, by Bo KaierIf he ain’t comfortable, he can’t sneeze proper to save his life…

During the Drabble News, Norm introduces us to the cutest little tongue-biting-then-tongue-impersonating parasite that one could ever hope to meet.  The Drabblecast then ticks off another row on its scorecard for “Bodily Functions Bingo” by delivering fiction about the act of sneezing.  In the Drabble segment, Peter Wood tells the story of an unfortunate sufferer who finds that even death is no surcease from the problem of allergies. During the feature story, “Half-sneeze Johnny” which originally appeared in “Kaleidotrope” print magazine, the gentle sound of a half-sneeze, which sounds like chickadees being crushed to death, serves as an unlikely truth detector for a pair of mobsters.  The author also contributed the story for Drabblecast #54, “Unholy Fruit.” Feedback from Episode #81, “Snuffles,” and #82, “Overgrown Clump of Narcissists,” rounds out the episode.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 85, Trifecta V, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 85 – Trifecta V

Cover for Drabblecast episode 85, Trifecta V, by Bo KaierThe fifth of the Drabblecast’s Trifectas gathers three stories about addiction to love. Due to the subject matter, Norm issues a warning about it’s kid unfriendliness.  First, the narrator of Suzanne Vincent’s story, “Strange Love,” discovers the erotic secret behind the popularity of tattoos among space alien visitors. Next, Jim Bernheimer, (who had previously contributed the story “Reality Bites!”), offers “Cookies,” a quixotic tale leaving listeners to ponder whether we raise our kids, or they raise us.  Finally, “Forbidden Love,” by Ian Fossberg, describes the final quest of a familiar love-lorn character from our shared childhood.

Drabblecast B-Sides 1 – Norm Sherman Live at the Sub, Thomasville Ga

Cover for Drabblecast B-Sides episode 1, Norm Sherman LiveAwkward applause and laughs are what we live for…

Cover for Drabblecast episode 79, Low-Carb Cheesecake, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 79 – Low-Carb Cheesecake

Cover for Drabblecast episode 79, Low-Carb Cheesecake, by Jonathan Wilson

“Just one thing,” I said, nodding towards the cheesecake. “How do you do it?”

Norm Sherman gives us more of the Mega-Beast Death-Match. The Drabbles for this episode depict lawn ornament assassins and a man’s true form. The feature story describes the horrible price others pay for your health foods. Feedback from “Witchcraft in the Harem” by Aliya Whiteley (Episode 74) and episode 75’s Trifecta IV.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 78, Panel Discussion, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 78 – Panel Discussion

Cover for Drabblecast episode 78, Panel Discussion, by Jonathan Wilson

“So, where do you get your ideas?” he asked.
“I get my ideas from thinking about things.”
“Like what?”
“Like this panel.”

In this episode of the Drabblecast, we listen in on a convention panel sidetracked by the Sci-Fi version of “Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner?” The Bbardle is a hard rock tale of a geeky, sexy lady-stalker, the “Cougar at the Con.”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 75, Trifecta 4, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 75 – Trifecta IV

Cover for Drabblecast episode 75, Trifecta 4, by Jonathan WilsonWe’re lying in the sun, letting our wings dry, when a thought suddenly occurs to me. “Do you think it’s fair” “What’s that?” says Bob. He’s sitting there beside me, fat and lazy, with his three tales flickering lightly in the spring breeze.

The fourth of the Drabblecast’s Trifecta episodes gives us three different views of the beginnings and endings of life. In “Ephemeroptera’s Lament,” mayflies look for love in their one-day life cycle. In “The Crack in the Cosmic Egg,” B.J. Harrison of “The Classic Tales Podcast” reads us a story of the end, and beginning, of everything. “No Strings Attached,” read by Steve Eley from Escape Pod, shows us the beginnings of a man’s new life. The show concludes with one of Norm Sherman’s original bbardle songs, “75 Lines,” a catchy tune referencing each of the first 75 episodes of The Drabblecast.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 70, Reality Bites, by Matt Cowens

Drabblecast 70 – Reality Bites!

Cover for Drabblecast episode 70, Reality Bites, by Matt Cowens“Well Mr. Merrill, as my associate informed your brother, it is the official opinion of Fundamental Insurance that you are not dead per se….”

Cover for Drabblecast 69, The Story Teller, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 69 – The Story-Teller

Cover for Drabblecast 69, The Story Teller, by Brent Holmes“Once upon a time there was a little girl named Bertha, who was extra-ordinarily good…”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 61, Trifecta 3, by David Flett

Drabblecast 61 – Trifecta III

Cover for Drabblecast episode 61, Trifecta 3, by David FlettThe third Drabblecast trifecta. Featuring facial hair and fantasy fair!

Cover for Drabblecast episode 58, Eggs, by Gino Moretto

Drabblecast 58 – Eggs

Cover for Drabblecast episode 58, Eggs, by Gino Moretto“Get into the prep room!  We need to wash you off and destroy your pants!”

Cover for Drabblecast 50, Trifecta II, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 50 – Trifecta II

Cover for Drabblecast 50, Trifecta II, by Bo KaierHe was the size of a child. One of those twiggy ones they show you on the guilt-o-mercials that you can keep in shoes and chickens for just 30 cents a day. Only he was an old man. His black t-shirt had holes in it.

Cover for Drabblecast 49, Heart to Heart, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 49 – Heart to Heart

Cover for Drabblecast 49, Heart to Heart, by Bo KaierHere’s the thing Sheila- you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.  You’re also funny, intelligent, sex is fantastic and you certainly have an interesting career but…I just don’t think I can date you anymore..

Cover for Drabblecast 46, The She-Wolf, by CRNsurf

Drabblecast 46 – The She-Wolf

Cover for Drabblecast 46, The She-Wolf, by CRNsurfLeonard returned to his home circle garrulous about his Russian strike experiences, but oppressively reticent about certain dark mysteries, which he alluded to under the resounding title of Siberian Magic…

Norm details numerous urban legends about revolting items found in fast food as an introduction to this week’s Drabble, a terrifying story about moldy fast food, circular breathing, and ghosts. The feature story showcases the work of 19th-Century author “Saki,” the pen name for Hector Hugh Monroe, heard earlier in Episode #19, “Sredni Vashtar.” Saki describes an encounter with Siberian magic, which Norm acts out using a dazzling variety of male and female caricature voices. An unreliable travelogue inspires skeptical table turning and an elaborate drawing-room prank. Feedback for Episode #40, “Marbles,” shows the depth of discussion among the listener forums. Finally, Norm announces the year’s “People’s Choice” Drabblecast poll, soliciting votes for the listeners’ favorites. He reminds us that the First Annual Nigerian Scam Spam contest is still accepting entries.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 33, Dessert Storm, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 33 – Dessert Storm

Cover for Drabblecast episode 33, Dessert Storm, by Bo KaierFimlick the thief becomes restless as he and his companions journey across the desert….

Cover for Drabblecast episode 31, Office Consultation, by Oskar Kunik

Drabblecast 31 – Office Consultation

Cover for Drabblecast episode 31, Office Consultation, by Oskar Kunik“What seems to be the problem John?”

“It’s difficult to explain Doctor.  To put it in a nutshell, I’m increasingly unable to come to grips with being….

On this episode of the Drabblecast, a panicked patient visits his physician with a ‘unique’ ailment.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 30, 2084, by Mary Mattice

Drabblecast 30 – 2084

Cover for Drabblecast episode 30, 2084, by Mary Mattice“What are you doing tonight?” asked Julian, with a sly smirk on his face.  He knew that Winston was prone to doing the most outrageous things.

Winston smiled in return.  “You know me Rick, nothing too risky!”…

Drabblecast 29 – Code Brown

Cover for Drabblecast episode 29, Code Brown, by Jonathan WilsonThe Drabblecast presents “Code Brown” by Dermot Glennon.

This episode opens with a little gospel, hehe. Then we move on to the Drabble Poetry Corner with a wonderful diddy by William D. Tucker. This poem is the second in a three-part series.

We also tease the People’s Choice awards with special props to today’s episode.

Story Excerpt:

“We cannot destroy it- it’s too valuable” said Klugscheisser
“And yet, it would be dangerous to keep it.  We must hide it in the last place that anyone would ever think of looking for it…”

And now we present for your listening enjoyment:

Drabblecast # 29 – Code Brown

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