Part Three of the Black and White Animals Trilogy, Brenda and the Black and White Animals Prepare for the Final Battle with Emperor Mersatz…
Podcast: Download
Warning: Some gore
A day at the zoo turns into humanity’s ultimate struggle for survival…
Episode 11 of the Drabblecast brings us Secret Weapons – the first chapter of the Black and White Animals trilogy. Norm and Kendall Marchman share this story of a trip to the zoo turned strange and terrible. Drabble News reports on recent research involving dinosaur veins. Norm again encourages listeners to vote, and jump into the final week of the Super Animal Deathmatch.
Feature: Black and White Animals: Secret Weapons by Kendall Marchman, Norm Sherman, and Luke Coddington
A Drabblecast original story.
Episode Art: Bo Kaier
Podcast: Download
Nikki’s looking for a Prince…
Episode 6 of the Drabblecast brings us The Frog Prince, a story exploring the transformative potential of frog smooching. Norm recommends his favorite podcast Escape Pod, and invites authors to submit their weird stories. He closes by asking the fans to spread the word about the Drabblecast.
Podcast: Download
Warning: some grossness in this one..
Some things are just too precious to leave behind…
Episode 4 of the Drabblecast brings us “Uncle Ollie’s Gift,” a story of keeping your family close, and your prized possessions closer. The story’s author Kendall Marchman joins Norm to provide sound effects and records a moral for the story’s conclusion.
Feature: Uncle Ollie’s Gift by Kendall Marchman
Episode Art: Bo Kaier
Podcast: Download
The metrotrain at 6am can be a great place to make new friends…
The Drabblecast’s third episode brings us Luke Coddington’s Next Stop, a short, atmospheric story of an encounter with a homeless man on Baltimore’s metro, with some unexpected consequences. Norm puts his versatile voice to good use, delivering both an unnerved protagonist and an authentically creepy antagonist.
Feature: Next Stop by Luke Coddington
Episode Art: Bo Kaier
Podcast: Download
In the Drabblecast’s very first episode, ‘Norman’ Sherman introduces his own story The Coughing Dog. It’s a tale about a family reuniting at Christmas, and a domestic pet with a very… unusual condition.
Norm also introduces the basic concept of the show. He describes it as “flash fiction of an atypical nature […] by very strange people,” and admits that while not all stories will include demons, chupacabras, aliens and yetis, many will.
Feature: The Coughing Dog by Norm Sherman – A Drabblecast original story.
Episode Art: Liz
Podcast: Download
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