Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Category: Drama Page 1 of 7

Drabblecast 501 – Pastorale

In a little pastel house, a seer and a psychopomp have questions. This week on Drabblecast– something’s fishy in a curious small town. We bring you a paranormal murder-mystery by
Cormack Baldwin & EV Smith. Enjoy!

Cormack Baldwin (he/him) and EV Smith (he/she/they) are a daring duo of authors and editors. Together, they run Archive of the Odd, a found fiction press. Apart, they have done such jobs as “working in an abandoned lighthouse grinding up fish to feed to other fish” and “succumbing to madness among impossible maps” (no, really!). They went to the coast recently. It was nice. You should see it.

Episode Art: Shane Bevin

Drabblecast 489- The Black Waters of Lethe

Drabblecast cover for the Black Waters of Lethe by Bo Kaier

This week on the Drabblecast, we bring you a dark ancient tale from a distant lost land called “The Black Waters of Lethe,” by Oliver Buckram.

Also, exciting news!  Norm is launching a new Kickstarter for his 3rd album, “The Instruction Book.” 

And how!

Follow the upcoming campaign here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/drabblecast/the-instruction-book

Drabblecast 484- Cosmic Bowling

The Drabblecast hits the lanes this week with original story, “Cosmic Bowling” by Mike James Davis.  Cover art by Shane Bevin!

Drabblecast Patreon

Drabblecast 483- Snow

Cover for Drabblecast episode Snow by Bo Kaier

The Drabblecast wraps up 2023 with a Drabbleganza, followed by a story about tough decisions and leaving things behind– a Drabblecast original by Em Liu, called “Snow.”  Happy New Year!

Drabblecast Patreon

Cover art by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 482- That Bloody Frontier

The Drabblecast Weird West Event closes out this week with another original story– this time with epic train shoot-outs, centaurs, and manifest destiny! We bring you, “That Bloody Frontier” by Sasha Brown.

Drabblecast Patreon

Cover art by Tristan Tolhurst



Drabblecast 481- The Alamo

The Alamo cover, color version, by Tristan Tolhurst

The Drabblecast Weird Wild West continues, with “The Alamo” by Cedrick May.

Cover art by Tristan Tolhurst

Drabblecast 476- The Pigeon

Bo Kaier cover art for Drabblecast The Pigeon

Norm talks birds on this week’s episode, before presenting Drabblecast’s production of “The Pigeon” by Michelle Knudsen. Enjoy!


Cover art by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 475- Doubleheader

Bo Kaier cover art for Drabblecast coverA merry hanging and a game of jacks, this week on the Drabblecast!

Cover art by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 474- Exit the Professor

Cover for Exit The Professor by Bo KaierThis week on the Drabblecast– mutant hillbillies!  

Cover art by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 473- Trunk to Trunk

Trunk to Trunk cover by Bo KaierThe Drabblecast brings you an original tale of interspecies aid.

We present “Trunk to Trunk,” by P.B. Yeary.


Art by  Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 472 – The Hard Problem of Consciousness

The Hard Problem of Consciousness cover by Bo Kaier#Hivelife this week on the Drabblecast!

We bring you “The Hard Problem of Consciousness” by Andrew Giffin.

Drabblecast 471 – The Monster-God of Mamurth

Bo Kaier cover art for Drabblecast Monster GodThe Drabblecast takes you on an expedition you’re gonna have to see with your own eyes to believe!

We bring you The Monster-God of Mamurth by Edmond Hamilton.

Cover art by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 470 – Personal Best

Cover for Personal best by DS OswaldThe Drabblecast presents an original story by Michael Bettendorf about football and growing up the hard way. 

Read to you by Renee Chambliss.

Art by DS Oswald

Drabblecast 467 – Woods For the Trees

Bo Kaier's cover for Drabblecast episode Woods for the Trees

On this week’s Drabblecast, Dendrology meets Criminal Psychology. A story by Harley Carnell. Art by Bo Kaier.

Drabblecast 460 – Distributed Denial of Sexytimes

Drabblecast Denial of Sexy Times Cover by Bo KaierEpisode Sponsor: Mothman 1966

In this week’s Drabblecast story, the only scenes that aren’t sex scenes are crime scenes. We bring you an original Drabblecast story by Tim Pratt about a dark future of vigilante justice sex toys, called “The Distributed Denial of Sexytime.”

Also, Norm and guest Executice Producer Bart Epstein treat us to a Drabbsterpiece Theatre presentation of “Entryways of Interest.” Love is in the air!

Read by Kate Baker

Warning: sexual themes and language


We attained consciousness on a Saturday evening in June, and met our nemesis just moments later. Tatum. Foul Tatum. Jealous Tatum. Thief of Glory…


Drabblecast 450 – A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Cover for Drabblecast Episode A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Bo KaierEpisode Sponsor: You Know It’s True by J.R. Hamantaschen

This week on the Drabblecast, we bring you a classic story by Flannery O’Conner about simpler times and a summer family vacation gone awry.  Enjoy!

Warning: This story is being presented in it’s original form and contains an instance of outdated cultural language.

“Now look here, Bailey,” she said, “see here, read this,” and she stood with one hand on her thin hip and the other rattling the newspaper at his bald head. “Here this fellow that calls himself The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to these people. Just you read it. I wouldn’t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that aloose in it. I couldn’t answer to my conscience if I did…”

Drabblecast 448 – Stay

Drabblecast Cover for Stay by Shane BevinThis week’s episode is brought to you by J.R. Hamentaschen’s fourth horror fiction anthology “You Know It’s True.” Grab a copy for kindle or otherwise, here!

For our story this week, take a trip with us to the Fourteenth Floor, where you are every guest.  We bring you “Stay,” by Davian Aw.

You were every guest on the fourteenth floor: none of you alike, a host of strangers across ages and ethnicities, genders and histories, but I knew it was you from the look on your face, and your eyes–your eyes were always the same.

“Stay,” you’d say, a plea steeped in sadness, sometimes desperation, anger, loneliness, or lust…

Drabblecast 447 – Echoes

Carly Heath Drabblecast cover for EchoesThe Drabblecast is on the scene this week, with an original story by Gail Ann Gibbs, read by Starla Hutchton, that reminds us that it’s ok to be a little weird. Or maybe even, SUPER weird…

I like the way Richard smells. The next time a psychiatrist asks me what makes me happy, I’ll say it’s the way Richard smells when he’s on the job.

Karen tilted her head down so Richard wouldn’t see her smile, which would be inappropriate here. He was standing next to her, rummaging through her tool kit.

“I could have sworn I brought the small sieve.” He pulled one out and waved it. “Thanks, don’t let me forget it’s yours.” He headed back to the crime scene in the kitchen, and Karen turned back to her own dead body, here in the dining room…

Drabblecast 442 – The Secret of Theta Pi

Cover for Drabblecast The Secret of Theta Pi by Bo KaierSea creatures and sorority sisters on this week’s Drabblecast! We bring you an original tale by Stephanie Gray called, “The Secret of Theta Pi.” Enjoy!

We travel back to Tandy’s Cove in a caravan of three, Cindy Q’s Miata leading, followed by the rented van, dirty white with the windows rolled up, and Beneeta G’s little blue hatchback bringing up the rear. Twelve hours on the road would be stressful in the best of times, yet in these days of turmoil there is an easy peace between us…

Drabblecast 432 – Housebound

Drabblecast cover by Melissa McClanahanWeirdness is in the air at Drabblecast as we bring you an original story about spousal life and home ownership by author Ao-Hui Lin.

“Hey babe, where did the closet go?”

The Hubby, Victor, gives me a blank look, like the word “closet” is Swahili for “bratwurst”. He neither understands the question nor the purpose of the question.

“The closet. It used to be here, through this door, under the stairs. Now there’s just a pit and bite marks on the door jamb.”

More silent incomprehension.

I let the subject drop. After all, who uses the under-the-stairs closet anyway? I don’t even remember if I ever put anything in there, and if I did, it would have been stuff I’d never planned on seeing again. High school journals, SAT study guides and shoeboxes full of bad poetry to that guy I had a crush on during junior year – Tony? Toby? Tory? I’ll find someplace else to put the vacuum cleaner.

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