Here’s the thing Sheila- you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You’re also funny, intelligent, sex is fantastic and you certainly have an interesting career but…I just don’t think I can date you anymore..
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Here’s the thing Sheila- you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You’re also funny, intelligent, sex is fantastic and you certainly have an interesting career but…I just don’t think I can date you anymore..
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They say the gravity’s lessened here, air’s purified, filtered with vitamins and proteins. Even the light’s better – Luna Springs is on a mobile foundation timed to keep optimum reflected sunlight at all hours…
In Drabble News: a young girl born with four arms and four legs in India, believed to be the incarnation of a Hindu goddess, underwent surgery to remove her irregularities. Norm speculates on her attitude towards baby pictures later in life. Continuing on the theme of physical infirmities, the feature story features a sickly and wheelchair-bound grandfather. A man who found a place in a retirement community on the Moon, where “memories come alive with the moonlight and dance with the stars” leaving his grandson with a painful memory of his own. The story author, Patrick Hurley, has been published in “The Horror Library” and other venues. Feedback for Episode #32, “The Warden’s Last Day,” closes out the episode.
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Nikki’s looking for a Prince…
Episode 6 of the Drabblecast brings us The Frog Prince, a story exploring the transformative potential of frog smooching. Norm recommends his favorite podcast Escape Pod, and invites authors to submit their weird stories. He closes by asking the fans to spread the word about the Drabblecast.
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