Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: Artist: Carly Heath

Drabblecast 448 – Stay

Drabblecast Cover for Stay by Shane BevinThis week’s episode is brought to you by J.R. Hamentaschen’s fourth horror fiction anthology “You Know It’s True.” Grab a copy for kindle or otherwise, here!

For our story this week, take a trip with us to the Fourteenth Floor, where you are every guest.  We bring you “Stay,” by Davian Aw.

You were every guest on the fourteenth floor: none of you alike, a host of strangers across ages and ethnicities, genders and histories, but I knew it was you from the look on your face, and your eyes–your eyes were always the same.

“Stay,” you’d say, a plea steeped in sadness, sometimes desperation, anger, loneliness, or lust…

Drabblecast 447 – Echoes

Carly Heath Drabblecast cover for EchoesThe Drabblecast is on the scene this week, with an original story by Gail Ann Gibbs, read by Starla Hutchton, that reminds us that it’s ok to be a little weird. Or maybe even, SUPER weird…

I like the way Richard smells. The next time a psychiatrist asks me what makes me happy, I’ll say it’s the way Richard smells when he’s on the job.

Karen tilted her head down so Richard wouldn’t see her smile, which would be inappropriate here. He was standing next to her, rummaging through her tool kit.

“I could have sworn I brought the small sieve.” He pulled one out and waved it. “Thanks, don’t let me forget it’s yours.” He headed back to the crime scene in the kitchen, and Karen turned back to her own dead body, here in the dining room…

Drabblecast 427 – Doubleheader- Matthew Sanborn Smith

Drabblecast Doubleheader Cover by Carly HeathOn this week’s Drabblecast, Norm and author Matthew Sanborn Smith bring you a dose of perspective during these crazy times where weirdness seems to be the norm. Remember those invisible things around us that support and hold us no matter what our struggles our, and remember to cherish each moment of every day.

I wonder what will happen when I’m not up for it, when the weight finally overcomes my rigidity and I snap. Will I be a bloody mess when I turn back? Will I be too afraid to turn back and just take my chances with the landfill?


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