Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: Author: Norm Sherman

Drabblecast 11 – Black and White Animals Part 1 : Secret Weapons

Cover for Drabblecast episode 11, Black and White Animals, by Bo Kaier

Warning: Some gore

A day at the zoo turns into humanity’s ultimate struggle for survival…

Episode 11 of the Drabblecast brings us Secret Weapons – the first chapter of the Black and White Animals trilogy. Norm and Kendall Marchman share this story of a trip to the zoo turned strange and terrible. Drabble News reports on recent research involving dinosaur veins. Norm again encourages listeners to vote, and jump into the final week of the Super Animal Deathmatch.

Feature: Black and White Animals: Secret Weapons by Kendall Marchman, Norm Sherman, and Luke Coddington
A Drabblecast original story.
Episode Art: Bo Kaier


Cover for Drabblecast episode 7, Rutabaga, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 7 – Rutabaga

Cover for Drabblecast episode 7, Rutabaga, by Bo Kaier

Tony goes undercover for the police to get a deal with “The Boss” recorded on tape…

In Episode 7 Norm shares the full version of ‘Rutabaga’, a tale of crime and unusual punishment, the now iconic song played as opening theme music for every episode of the Drabblecast. He reports on the progress of the (original) website, calls for submissions, and once again implores fans to share the Drabblecast with friends.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 6, The Frog Prince, by Matt Schindler

Drabblecast 6 – The Frog Prince

Cover for Drabblecast episode 6, The Frog Prince, by Matt Schindler

Nikki’s looking for a Prince…

Episode 6 of the Drabblecast brings us The Frog Prince, a story exploring the transformative potential of frog smooching. Norm recommends his favorite podcast Escape Pod, and invites authors to submit their weird stories. He closes by asking the fans to spread the word about the Drabblecast.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 5, Guardians, by Rodolfo Arredondo

Drabblecast 5 – Guardians

Cover for Drabblecast episode 5, Guardians, by Rodolfo Arredondo

A terrible accident on the highway brings about an even greater collision of forces…

A problem with Norm’s planned story for this week results in him falling back on one of his own – Guardians. This tale explores a world where guardian angels exist. Norm also reports on one of his favorite personal topics – cryptozoology – with news of a Colossal Squid being caught in Antarctic waters.

Drabblecast 1 – The Coughing Dog

Cover for Drabblecast episode 1, The Coughing Dog, by LizIn the Drabblecast’s very first episode, ‘Norman’ Sherman introduces his own story The Coughing Dog. It’s a tale about a family reuniting at Christmas, and a domestic pet with a very… unusual condition.

Norm also introduces the basic concept of the show. He describes it as “flash fiction of an atypical nature […] by very strange people,” and admits that while not all stories will include demons, chupacabras, aliens and yetis, many will.

Feature:  The Coughing Dog by Norm Sherman – A Drabblecast original story.
Episode Art:  Liz

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