Around back there’s a smaller, dimmer lobby with a line of tired-looking people clutching their little blinking cylinders as they wait to have them verified to get their money…
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Drabblecast #43 presents “Jelly Park“ by Aliya Whiteley.
In consideration of the holidays, Norm begins to see a common theme to this Drabblecast season: celebrating relationships.
Take, for example, the relationship between the holidays and a pile of extremely rare rhinoceros dung. Four piles, actually. All collected by conservationists and auctioned on E-bay to raise money for preservation of the species.
Norm speculates on the market timing of such a gift… A thousand dollars and you could have your very own rhino scat to accompany that Elf on your shelf. Which leads us to reflect upon the meaning of the holidays for all manner of people, animals, and legendary monsters.
But we digress.
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It starts off like any normal bout of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. I’m constipated, I’m depressed and I’ve got a pimple the size of a hazelnut on my chin…
This week’s Drabble details a junk mail scam, betraying Norm’s deep interest in e-mail spam scams, later manifesting itself in the Drabblecast’s signature “Nigerian Scam Spam Contest.” Norm wholeheartedly plugs “Between the Cracks Fiction,” the website archive of the feature story’s author, Kim McDougall. Norm issues a warning, that the feature is the grossest story Drabblecast has aired since “The Worm Within.” In it, a young woman spends a very difficult week dealing with a delicate medical condition. Feedback from Episode #36, “Pumpkin Seeds,” a Halloween special, was universally positive.
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They say the gravity’s lessened here, air’s purified, filtered with vitamins and proteins. Even the light’s better – Luna Springs is on a mobile foundation timed to keep optimum reflected sunlight at all hours…
In Drabble News: a young girl born with four arms and four legs in India, believed to be the incarnation of a Hindu goddess, underwent surgery to remove her irregularities. Norm speculates on her attitude towards baby pictures later in life. Continuing on the theme of physical infirmities, the feature story features a sickly and wheelchair-bound grandfather. A man who found a place in a retirement community on the Moon, where “memories come alive with the moonlight and dance with the stars” leaving his grandson with a painful memory of his own. The story author, Patrick Hurley, has been published in “The Horror Library” and other venues. Feedback for Episode #32, “The Warden’s Last Day,” closes out the episode.
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I listened to my father talk about the hog-faced man who came into his hospital room and stood at the foot of his bed.
“What does he say to you?” I asked.
My father turned his head and looked at me.
“He tells me he’s too early…”
On this episode of the Drabblecast, a spooky, sorrowful apparition causes a father to question his worldview. What secrets does this nocturnal visitor hide?
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Rushing to clean the house before Aunt Mary comes home, April and her sister realize that Grandpa’s old clock is broken…
Episode 9 of the Drabblecast brings us ‘Vengeance at 4 a.m.’ by Lindsey Anderson – a deathly tale of heirlooms and eternally grumpy grandparents. Norm encourages listeners to vote in the Super Animal Deathmatch.
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Warning: some grossness in this one..
Some things are just too precious to leave behind…
Episode 4 of the Drabblecast brings us “Uncle Ollie’s Gift,” a story of keeping your family close, and your prized possessions closer. The story’s author Kendall Marchman joins Norm to provide sound effects and records a moral for the story’s conclusion.
Feature: Uncle Ollie’s Gift by Kendall Marchman
Episode Art: Bo Kaier
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