Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: holidays

Cover for Drabblecast episode 45, The Fine Point, by David Steffen

Drabblecast 45 – The Fine Point

Cover for Drabblecast episode 45, The Fine Point, by David Steffen

Once you start to see them, they seem to be everywhere…

The Drabble News report, of a 5-year scientific study which showed staring at women’s breasts prolonged the lifespan of males, inspires a now-infamous skit. Norm details the riot among medical test subjects when the non-boobie control group was chosen. The feature story continues with theme of close observation of the Creator’s handiwork. The author, whose work has appeared in “Alien Skin” among other places, presents a disturbing tale of a crusty old misanthrope discovering a crude shortcut from an Impressionistic God, harkening back to the world’s creation. Is humanity ready for that knowledge? Feedback for Episode #39, “The Bee-Keepers,” was accidentally erased by Norm, but the forum comments were very positive, and stimulated a great discussion about parasites. Finally, the Drabblecast New Year’s Resolution is a raise in the submission pay rates.

Drabblecast 43 – Jelly Park

Cover art for Drabblecast episode 43, Jelly Park, by Rodolfo ArredondoDrabblecast #43 presents “Jelly Park by Aliya Whiteley.

In consideration of the holidays, Norm begins to see a common theme to this Drabblecast season: celebrating relationships.

Take, for example, the relationship between the holidays and a pile of extremely rare rhinoceros dung. Four piles, actually. All collected by conservationists and auctioned on E-bay to raise money for preservation of the species.

Norm speculates on the market timing of such a gift… A thousand dollars and you could have your very own rhino scat to accompany that Elf on your shelf. Which leads us to reflect upon the meaning of the holidays for all manner of people, animals, and legendary monsters.

But we digress.

Cover for Drabblecast 36, Pumpkinseeds, by Matt Schindler

Drabblecast 36 – Pumpkinseeds

Cover for Drabblecast 36, Pumpkinseeds, by Matt SchindlerTheir orange gazes came from devilishly carved eyes and their vigilant stares sent a chill up Kincade’s neck.  He had never liked the gutted vegetables that people found hauntingly ornamental this time of year…

Drabblecast 1 – The Coughing Dog

Cover for Drabblecast episode 1, The Coughing Dog, by LizIn the Drabblecast’s very first episode, ‘Norman’ Sherman introduces his own story The Coughing Dog. It’s a tale about a family reuniting at Christmas, and a domestic pet with a very… unusual condition.

Norm also introduces the basic concept of the show. He describes it as “flash fiction of an atypical nature […] by very strange people,” and admits that while not all stories will include demons, chupacabras, aliens and yetis, many will.

Feature:  The Coughing Dog by Norm Sherman – A Drabblecast original story.
Episode Art:  Liz

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