Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: love

Drabblecast 44 – The Arc of Hronos

Cover for Drabblecast episode 44, The Arc of Hronos

I’ve almost finished checking those measurements. That tooth—it looks homo sapien. This could be huge…

Norm presents, in his inimitable style, a one-minute review of his long-awaited movie indulgence, “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.” The week’s Drabble concerns an auto thief reaching the top of his game through — what else — nefarious means. The feature story’s author, Anden Sharp, gifted the Drabbleverse with Episode #32, “The Warden’s Last Day.” In the feature story, tragedy strikes the marriage of an archaeologist and her time traveler husband. Feedback for Episode #38, the Drabblecast’s first “Trifecta,” debated how well suited the story concepts were for their broadcast length, and was generally positive.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 2, Longing for Love A Unicorn's Story, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 2 – Longing for Love: A Unicorn’s Story

Cover for Drabblecast episode 2, Longing for Love A Unicorn's Story, by Bo Kaier

Not your average fairy-tale about an obese squirrel and a unicorn with back acne….

In episode 2 Norm brings us the quirky story of Gregory, a unicorn cursed with bad health and worse luck. This is also the first episode in which Norm introduces the show as: “strange stories by strange people, for strange listeners.”

Feature:  Longing for Love: A Unicorn’s Story  by  Lindsey and Lacey Anderson. A Drabblecast original story. Art by Bo Kaier.

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