Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: mortality

Cover for Drabblecast 83, Floating Over Time, by Philip Pomphrey

Drabblecast 83 – Floating Over Time

Cover for Drabblecast 83, Floating Over Time, by Philip PomphreyShe was a machine, fabulously complex and durable and imaginative.  She was also alive…

This well regarded episode of the Drabblecast shares the poetic story of two complex individuals welcoming, dreading, and ultimately learning from the finality of their own end.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 80, Standing in Line, by Rick Green

Drabblecast 80 – Standing in Line

Cover for Drabblecast episode 80, Standing in Line, by Rick Green

I sense a diference the instant I step out of the water.  In the unnatural stillness there is an arid taste in the air that assaults the back of my throat…

Norm Sherman brings us an episode about endings, and why they don’t always have to be bad. The Drabble is about a “beautiful” end. The feature is a touching tale of family’s facing their impending end with strength and solidarity. Feedback is for “Apologies All Around,” episode 76.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 75, Trifecta 4, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 75 – Trifecta IV

Cover for Drabblecast episode 75, Trifecta 4, by Jonathan WilsonWe’re lying in the sun, letting our wings dry, when a thought suddenly occurs to me. “Do you think it’s fair” “What’s that?” says Bob. He’s sitting there beside me, fat and lazy, with his three tales flickering lightly in the spring breeze.

The fourth of the Drabblecast’s Trifecta episodes gives us three different views of the beginnings and endings of life. In “Ephemeroptera’s Lament,” mayflies look for love in their one-day life cycle. In “The Crack in the Cosmic Egg,” B.J. Harrison of “The Classic Tales Podcast” reads us a story of the end, and beginning, of everything. “No Strings Attached,” read by Steve Eley from Escape Pod, shows us the beginnings of a man’s new life. The show concludes with one of Norm Sherman’s original bbardle songs, “75 Lines,” a catchy tune referencing each of the first 75 episodes of The Drabblecast.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 63, Time Shift, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 63 – Time Shift

Cover for Drabblecast episode 63, Time Shift, by Jonathan WilsonA few seconds (approximately 3.21, her processors told her) wasn’t a lot of time- a human brain wouldn’t have had the same opportunity for reflection…

Drabblecast 44 – The Arc of Hronos

Cover for Drabblecast episode 44, The Arc of Hronos

I’ve almost finished checking those measurements. That tooth—it looks homo sapien. This could be huge…

Norm presents, in his inimitable style, a one-minute review of his long-awaited movie indulgence, “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.” The week’s Drabble concerns an auto thief reaching the top of his game through — what else — nefarious means. The feature story’s author, Anden Sharp, gifted the Drabbleverse with Episode #32, “The Warden’s Last Day.” In the feature story, tragedy strikes the marriage of an archaeologist and her time traveler husband. Feedback for Episode #38, the Drabblecast’s first “Trifecta,” debated how well suited the story concepts were for their broadcast length, and was generally positive.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 37, Luna Springs, by Rick Green

Drabblecast 37 – Luna Springs

Cover for Drabblecast episode 37, Luna Springs, by Rick Green

They say the gravity’s lessened here, air’s purified, filtered with vitamins and proteins.  Even the light’s better – Luna Springs is on a mobile foundation timed to keep optimum reflected sunlight at all hours…

In Drabble News: a young girl born with four arms and four legs in India, believed to be the incarnation of a Hindu goddess, underwent surgery to remove her irregularities. Norm speculates on her attitude towards baby pictures later in life. Continuing on the theme of physical infirmities, the feature story features a sickly and wheelchair-bound grandfather. A man who found a place in a retirement community on the Moon, where “memories come alive with the moonlight and dance with the stars” – leaving his grandson with a painful memory of his own. The story author, Patrick Hurley, has been published in “The Horror Library” and other venues. Feedback for Episode #32, “The Warden’s Last Day,” closes out the episode.

Cover for Drabblecast 4, Uncle Ollie's Gift, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 4 – Uncle Ollie’s Gift

Cover for Drabblecast 4, Uncle Ollie's Gift, by Bo KaierWarning: some grossness in this one..

Some things are just too precious to leave behind…

Episode 4 of the Drabblecast brings us “Uncle Ollie’s Gift,” a story of keeping your family close, and your prized possessions closer. The story’s author Kendall Marchman joins Norm to provide sound effects and records a moral for the story’s conclusion.

Feature: Uncle Ollie’s Gift by Kendall Marchman

Episode Art: Bo Kaier

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