Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: murder

Drabblecast 363 – The Totals

Cover for Drabblecast episode The Totals by Bo KaierClutch has killed somebody recently.

This goes without saying.

For as long as Clutch can remember, he has always killed somebody “recently.” If not within the last few hours, then certainly within the last few days. He may have gone as long as a couple of weeks without, from time to time, when circumstances conspired against him. But never as long as a month, no, not for living memory.


Cover for Drabblecast episode 199, In the Octopus's Garden, by Bill Halliar

Drabblecast 199 – In the Octopus’s Garden

Cover for Drabblecast episode 199, In the Octopus's Garden, by Bill HalliarI woke to this new darkness, swirling about me. A phrase sticking in my mind — “Lazarus Syndrome.” What happened to people when they had died, but, for some reason, some lack of death’s completion — some unfinished business — had rejoined the living.

In this episode of the Drabblecast, with a theme ‘Control,’ Norm speculates on zombies as dependents. In the drabble, we visit the zombie apocolypse. In the feature story, the consciousness of a slain man forms a being out of his remains, and the sea life around the. What is the nature of this entity, what is its place, and ultimately, what is its sinister purpose?

Drabblecast 38 – Trifecta

Cover for Drabblecast episode 38, Trifecta 1, by Bo KaierThe Drabblecast’s first ever trifecta special, three short stories asking there interesting questions. Is best model, best witness? How much is a dream worth? And what would you do to get a pound of flesh?

This episode marked the first “Trifecta,” as Norm produced an anthology of three short-ish stories connected by a theme. Norm left the specific theme open for speculation by listeners. Was it perhaps, “lethal consumption?”  In the first story, “Witness,” a cleaning robot recounts a mysterious incident from its uniquely prosaic point of view. Next, “Wiggin’s General Store,” turns out to be a place that sells dreams. No, really, sells dreams and not the safe kind. (The author, Basil Godevenos, wrote the poem “The Truth about the Reaper” in Episode #34.) The final story, “Pork and Steak Eye” ponders the ethics of willing organ-donor clones. Upon reading the feedback from Episode #33, “Dessert Storm,” a good laugh was had by all.

Trifecta – a run of three wins or grand events. Origin: 1970s from “tri” + “perfecta”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 32, The Warden's Last Day, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 32 – The Warden’s Last Day

Cover for Drabblecast episode 32, The Warden's Last Day, by Bo Kaier“It was 11 at night, and only a few shouts of men in the lifer block penetrated the concrete walls of death row.  My name is Michael Zlocinac, and I am a warden of U.S. Federal Penitentiary at Magdalena, New Mexico…”

On this episode of the Drabblecast, on his last day as warden, the titular protagonist explains his complicated history, and the moral conundrums it presents. A rumination on capital punishment, legacy, and war.

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