A few seconds (approximately 3.21, her processors told her) wasn’t a lot of time- a human brain wouldn’t have had the same opportunity for reflection…
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The Drabblecast’s first ever trifecta special, three short stories asking there interesting questions. Is best model, best witness? How much is a dream worth? And what would you do to get a pound of flesh?
This episode marked the first “Trifecta,” as Norm produced an anthology of three short-ish stories connected by a theme. Norm left the specific theme open for speculation by listeners. Was it perhaps, “lethal consumption?” In the first story, “Witness,” a cleaning robot recounts a mysterious incident from its uniquely prosaic point of view. Next, “Wiggin’s General Store,” turns out to be a place that sells dreams. No, really, sells dreams and not the safe kind. (The author, Basil Godevenos, wrote the poem “The Truth about the Reaper” in Episode #34.) The final story, “Pork and Steak Eye” ponders the ethics of willing organ-donor clones. Upon reading the feedback from Episode #33, “Dessert Storm,” a good laugh was had by all.
Trifecta – a run of three wins or grand events. Origin: 1970s from “tri” + “perfecta”
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A textbook example of whale robotics gone terribly wrong…
Episode 12 sees the climax of the first ever Super Animal Deathmatch (also know as the Mega-Beast Death-Match), with Norm revealing the winner – Telephant. It also includes Anna Luther’s story “Free Willy 2.4” – the reintroduction of (robotic) killer whales, and how mad science and tinkering with the natural world (as per usual) goes spectacularly, savagely wrong.
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