Drabblecast Covers Collage 2018 01

Tag: transformations

Cover for Drabblecast episode 118, The Relativity Prison, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 118 – The Relativity Prison

Cover for Drabblecast episode 118, The Relativity Prison, by Bo KaierIt took weeks for me convince myself that my condition is universal, and I’m still not entirely sure. It’s almost always something in the eyes, and sometimes also in the corners of the mouth. Resignation. I had to learn to look for it. Otherwise, the illusion of volition is perfect. Everyone looks as if they’re just going about their business, even as their business is going about them…

This episode of the Drabblecast begins with a hilarious Drabble News’cast – host Norm Sherman alerts us to the threat of monster jellyfish taking over the oceans. Is it time for government intervention? And what is this about mutant sea turtles? A Drabble follows featuring a time traveling alien and its special message for a hairy young man. The feature story is a thought-provoking exploration of reality, as we know it. If humanity was to be punished, would there be any punishment more fitting than to watch their lives unfold from a distance.

Cover for Drabblecast 108, The Wicked Witch Looks at 40 (Decades), by Mary Mattice

Drabblecast 108 – The Wicked Witch Looks at 40 (Decades)

Cover for Drabblecast 108, The Wicked Witch Looks at 40 (Decades), by Mary MatticeThe wicked witch business wasn’t what it used to be.  It had been such a simple thing, to lure children with candy; back in the old days when candy had been hard to come by…

In this episode’s Drabble, a moth eloquently expresses her attraction to a bright light and her own subsequent destruction. The feature story, The Wicked Witch Looks at 40 (Decades), follows Winnie the witch through her (long overdue) midlife crisis. After a particularly discouraging Halloween, where not a single child is captured, she takes the advice of an article in Martha Stewart Living magazine, changing her house and her lifestyle.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 90, Far Far Away, by Jonathan Wilson

Drabblecast 90 – Far Far Away

Cover for Drabblecast episode 90, Far Far Away, by Jonathan WilsonThe bullet-riddled corpses of our dead crew-mates, all sixteen of them, are coffined up, and the coffins stacked as a makeshift ping pong table…

In Drabble News, Norm congratulates the Harper Collins Dictionary for adding the slang term “meh” (an utterance of indifference). For the Drabble segment, returning author and future editor Matthew Bey (responsible for Drabblecast #58, “Eggs,” among others) allows his strange nocturnal fantasies about pupating locomotives to cross into the listener’s daylight. Next, Norm reads from the work of Frank Key, the British surreal author whose ‘lopsided fiction’ has graced the Drabblecast on numerous occasions, including episode #190. The selection: “The Goat God.” The feature describes the Flying Dutchman space journey of the starship “Corrugated Cardboard,” and the strange transformations of its surviving crew. The crew’s destination: a tiny pink planet where blind, mute, magnetic love monkeys frolic. Do these wonderful mythical creatures even exist, or are they figments of the unreliable narrator’s imagination? Finally, Norm reads from the positive feedback heaped by readers upon Episode #86, “Half Sneeze Johnny.”

Cover for Drabblecast episode 87, Box Born Wraith, by David Flett

Drabblecast 87 – The Box Born Wraith

Cover for Drabblecast episode 87, Box Born Wraith, by David Flett“I don’t want to die in the dark!”
“We all die in the dark, Benny…”

Norm spends this episode doing his very best cheesy Vincent Price styled horror show host (Note: not a Vincent Price imitation, but an imitation of a really bad Vincent Price imitator), complete with an interminable string of puns about “ghouls” and “ghosts.” As this year’s Halloween treat, Norm selects a truly terrifying story from frequently heard contributor Kevin David Anderson, also seen in Dark Animus, and numerous other publications which include the word “Dark” in their titles.  In “The Box Born Wraith,” an unexpected encounter between a condemned mobster and a tribe of hungry ghouls changes both the captive and the captors. Finally, still in character, Norm urges listeners to face the horrors of the voting booth in November’s election.

Cover for Drabblecast 69, The Story Teller, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 69 – The Story-Teller

Cover for Drabblecast 69, The Story Teller, by Brent Holmes“Once upon a time there was a little girl named Bertha, who was extra-ordinarily good…”

Cover for Drabblecast Episode 47, The Silver Ring, by Bo Kaier

Drabblecast 47 – The Silver Ring

Cover for Drabblecast Episode 47, The Silver Ring, by Bo Kaier“What have you got there, Dell?”
Lars twisted his hand painfully to get a look at the ring.
“Where did you find that?…”

Norm introduces all and sundry to his latest favorite, real-life monster animal:  the four-inch “Giant Water Bug,” which sucks out its prey’s innards. It can fly and also play dead in order to sucker unwitting prey. The author of the feature story has been published in “Art and Prose,” among other places. A desperate sex slave’s world changes with an unexpected gift and a magical means of escape. Feedback for Episode #41, “Set Another Place at the Table, I’m Bringing My Pimple,” was mixed, and often rather disgusting, like the story itself. Norm reminds the listeners that voting for “People’s Choice” and the contest for “Nigerian Scam Spam” remain open.

Cover for Drabblecast episode 39, The Beekeepers, by Brent Holmes

Drabblecast 39 – The Beekeepers

Cover for Drabblecast episode 39, The Beekeepers

The Tehtix move so damn fast – scientists can’t ever keep up… and populations never know what hit them…

In a mind-bending tale of parasitic worms, intelligent wasps and a symbiotic virus, author J. Alan Pierce describes an unusual alien invasion that preserves its victims forever. The story connects themes of dreams and communication. Mr. Pierce had previously written Episode #18, “The One that Got Away.” Finally, Drabble News recounts the story of an alleged alien virus, arising from a meteor falling in Andes. A real-life story of contamination in the same region as the feature story – co-incidence or premonition?  Feedback #34, “The Suit,” rounded out the episode.

Drabblecast 34 – The Suit

Cover for Drabblecast 34, The Suit, by Kathleen BeckettI watched him traverse the crowded room. He seemed physically different.  It was not his attire, for that was unchanged.  He was in the same ice-cream white suit….

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